Course Content & Assessment

With both our ‘in person’ weekends and your ‘out of weekend’ study, our mission is to deliver comprehensive trainings so that you are ready to teach at the end of the course.

The Four Cornerstones of Yoga

Every course is different, and the needs of you as a student will always dictate how and what we teach. Our syllabus is adaptable, which means that we focus on giving you understanding and confidence as a teacher rather than ticking off a checklist of ideas without fully understanding them.

Through the modules in the syllabus, we aim to give you an understanding of the four cornerstones of yoga; awareness, breath, movement, & rest.

You will explore these four cornerstones in their application to your own practice as well as learn how they shape what you teach.

By the end of the course you will have the tools to start up your yoga business and be a safe, relaxed, happy, confident & professional yoga teacher, teaching in a style of your choice.

Awareness means you will explore the meditative side of yoga, developing a mindful practice, and also bolster your knowledge to understand what really is yoga anyway.

We will practice, compare and contrast meditation methods and techniques from different traditions. We will also look at where yoga comes from, understand its history and philosophy, and how this shapes practice, so that you can see how your personal practice fits into the wider yoga framework.


  • Traditional yoga meditation and modern developments.
  • Developing a mindful practice.
  • Practicing different types of meditation.
  • How to teach meditation.


  • What is yoga?
  • The history of yoga.
  • Modern yoga.
  • Yoga philosophy.
  • The Yogic body: Chakras / Mudras / Kriya / Vayus / Prana (& more).

You will explore the importance of breath in yoga, develop good breathing habits as well as look at traditional yogic breathing exercises. We see how some ‘modern’ breath practices dovetail so perfectly with yoga breathing, explore the subtlety and power of prana, and delve into various pranayama techniques.

Fundamentals of breath

  • Anatomy of breathing.
  • Awareness of breath.
  • Breath in yoga.


  • Types of Pranayama.
  • Theory & Practice.
  • Teaching pranayama.

An important part of yoga, movement means that you will develop & improve your own physical practice in postures, as well as learn and understand the theory behind common types of movements in yoga, not only for yourself but also as a teacher.

There are several dedicated anatomy-based workshops, however, you will find the anatomy weaves itself into all aspects of the course.


  • Fundamental Anatomy.
  • Understanding the mechanics of movement.
  • Strength & flexibility.
  • Fascia.
  • Bones.
  • Vagus Nerve.

It’s not what it looks like, it’s what it feels like.

  • Getting inside the asanas.
  • Anatomy & postures.
  • We cover 15 – 20 essential postures.
  • You have space to learn more . . .
  • Variations.
  • Adjustments.
  • Teaching the postures.

Types of yoga

  • Hatha.
  • Iyengar.
  • Yin.
  • Restorative.
  • Vinyasa.
  • Ashtanga.
  • Chair.
  • Scaravelli
  • Self Practice


  • Sun Salutations.
  • Theory / practice.
  • Dynamic movements in yoga.
  • Teaching Vinyasa.
  • Breath & Movement.

Often overlooked, rest is an important part of yoga and on the course you will spend time looking at and understanding what happens in yogic rest, so that you can competently guide others into states of deep relaxation.

The Physiology of Relaxation

  • Why we relax.
  • Teaching relaxation.
  • Yoga Nidra & Visualisations.

Teaching Skills

As well as the four cornerstones of yoga, you also develop your skills as a teacher and learn about the practicalities of teaching yoga.

Through the modules in the syllabus, we aim to give you an understanding of the four cornerstones of yoga; awareness, breath, movement, & rest.

You will explore these four cornerstones in their application to your own practice as well as learn how they shape what you teach.
  • How to teach.
  • Finding your voice.
  • Opening and closing a class.
  • Lesson planning.
  • Theming a class.
  • Peak Poses.
  • Getting off the mat.
  • Developing a course.
  • Teaching experience.
  • Ethics / safety / preparation.
  • Finding a niche.
  • Insurance.
  • Marketing yourself.
  • Teaching online.

In Between Training Weekends

The course does not stop at the end of each weekend. As part of your course hours you are expected to complete one homework assignment each month. There is also an expectation that you will develop a dedicated self practice at your home, and you also have the optional of assisting Laurence at his public lessons.

One 2 hour homework assignment each month. Practical / research based.

Developing your practice at home, so that you feel confident in what you are teaching.

Attending classes with other teachers, and reflecting on your experiences.

  • Teaching at ‘real’ classes with Laurence.
  • Getting real teaching experience.


How we Track Your Progress.

We monitor and assess your progress on an ongoing basis throughout the course. We consider every aspect and are here to support and guide your progress with regular feedback and mentoring to help you develop and grow. You are required to keep a personal journal, as there will probably be times when you might feel overwhelmed, and your journal will help you understand how your journey is progressing. The main things that we consider and look at during your ongoing assessment are . . .

Enjoying your personal practice is an important part of being a successful yoga teacher and we love to see the development of your personal practice throughout the course. you will need to participate in group discussions, and develop an ability to share your experiences with fellow trainees and course tutors. We recommend that you set aside minimum 4 hours per week for your own practice and study, and it’s important that family and friends understand this commitment too!

Each month you will receive a 2 hour homework assignment that you are required to complete in between the training weekends. These will not be lengthy written assignments as we appreciate you have a busy life. However these assignments will contribute to your assessment and are an important part of your journey.

At East of England Yoga School we spend a good deal of time developing your teaching skills, so by the time you start teaching professionally you will be well prepared. As part of your ongoing assessment you will be asked to submit a written plan for yoga course of your own development and/or a piece of reflective work. Alongside this you will also be asked to teach more than one class to members of the public during the course, which we will observe (don’t worry its not as scary as it sounds).

The choice of what you teach is yours. It is wonderful to see the different styles of teaching emerge.

We also ask that you observe and assist in classes, preferably with Brenda, Laurence and Ali if possible, or with your regular yoga teacher. This will be discussed on the course. There is an expectation that you attend and log at least 10 classes outside of your training to broaden your experience and knowledge of different classes and teaching styles.

Qualification is achieved with 100% attendance of modules, successful and mutually agreed completion of the ongoing assessment process, and the course fees paid in full.

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© The Really Really Cool, East of England Yoga School 2025

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